Sunday, March 22, 2020

Sport and Society

Table of Contents Race Fan Identification Gender References Race There is undoubtedly a wide gap between white people and black people involvement in certain games or sports. As evident by recent study conducted by the U.S. swimming Association, nearly 31 per cent of white children between the ages of 6 and 16 cannot swim, in comparison to 60 per cent of African-American children who cannot swim (Baker, Cunningham Zhang 2010). Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Sport and Society specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Most studies havefound that African-American athletics are more physically suited than white-American athletics in sports or activities that required power and speed (Dawkins 2004). On the other hand, white-American athletics have been found to perform better in short distance races as compared to African-American athletics. Additionally, most African-Americans participate in basketball and football b ecause these sports are seen to have most opportunities for athletics to excel in life (Dawkins 2004). As evident in a study conducted in 1999 by the University of Arizona, the finding of the study shows that stereotype about racial inferiority and superiority in certain sports or games have been so entrenched in people’s minds that they have an effect not only which games or sports people participate in but also their performance in those games or sports (Baker, Cunningham Zhang 2010). Fan Identification Study on sport fans has confirmed a positive relationship between self esteem and fan identification. There are interesting aspects on the level of degree of affiliation and involvement with sport team among the fans (Kennedy 2010). Study suggests that fans are involved with their favorite team in many ways, including displaying bumper stickers on their vehicles, wearing team apparel, and celebratory behaviors that range from utterly destructive to fairly passive (e.g. ch eering). Some fans have low level of involvement with their teams, while others have been found to have psychological attachment to their favorite teams or sports (Jeh 2010). There are many reasons why fans decide to be identified with a particular sport or team. In fact the level of attachment to a particular team or sport range from extremely strong to quite weak. As evident is a study which identified why fans identify themselves with a particular sport or team. The results showed a number of reasons, including talent of the team player, parental interest in a team or sport, success of the team, geography and the influence of peers or friends (Jeh 2010).Advertising Looking for report on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Gender Most sports are associated with men (or masculinity). In many societies, some sports have been considered inappropriate for women to participate in, and women who participate in these sports are perceived to be ‘tomboy’ or masculine (Guest Cox 2009). In contrast, men who do not support or participate in certain sports may be labeled as weak or ‘unmanly’ (Hyatt 2007). Both men and women tend to participate in different types of sports or physical activity and their attitudes toward certain games or sports may be different. Some sports or games have many barriers that prevent women to participate in them (Hyatt 2007), such as lack of appropriate sport facilities and safety, technical support, and lack of skills resources about specific sports. Furthermore, most women (specifically mothers) are faced with additional physical barriers or constraints that including lack of childcare facilities, and lack of time. Sometimes women are exposed to verbal sexual harassment and/or physical harassment as well as other dangers due to their participation in games or sports programs, because of time of day and location (Kennedy 2010). Lastly, lack of a female role model in certain sports such as women coaches or leaders may have a negative impact in women who want to participate in certain sports (Guest Cox 2009). References Baker III, T. A., Cunningham, D. P., Zhang, J. J. (2010). An examination of immunity statutes regarding the liability of recreational youth sport organizations for the pedophilic actions of coaches, administrators, and officials. Journal of Research, 5(1), 54-59. Dawkins, M. P. (2004). Race relations and the sport of golf: The African-American golf legacy. The Western Journal of Black Studies, 28(1), 327-331. Guest, A. M., Cox, S. (2009). Using Athletes as role models? Conceptual and Empirical Perspectives from a sample of elite women soccer players. International Journal of Sports Science Coaching, 4(4), 567-581. Hyatt, C. G. (2007). Who do I root for now? The impact of franchise relocation on the loyal fans left behind: A case study of Hartford Whalers fans. Journal of Sport Behavior, 30(1), 36-56.Adv ertising We will write a custom report sample on Sport and Society specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Jeh, M. (2010). To be or not to be: Expectations of elite sports leaders as role models. Active Healthy Magazine, 17(1), 19-20. Kennedy, C. L. (2010). A new frontier for women’s sports (beyond Title IX). Gender Issues, 27, 78-90. This report on Sport and Society was written and submitted by user Gabriela A. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Seven-Colored Flower essays

Seven-Colored Flower essays In a beautiful small town, there was a girl called Melody. People in the town called her Dream Girl, because she always thought about something impossible. Every day, she sat beside the window and had her day-dreaming. One day, Melody sat beside the window and began her day-dreaming as usual. It was a sunny day. The birds were singing on the tree outside the window, and the flowers were dancing toward the sun. Melody was dreaming her fantasy ice cream castle, and she was thinking that she could live inside. Isnt it the best life in the world? Suddenly, a bright light came into Melodys room through the window, and a fairy appeared. While the fairy was smiling to Melody, Melody looked amazed. Hello, I am a dream fairy. Nice to meet you, Melody. How do you know my name? I never know you. Melody wondered. Well, it doesnt matter. I know you have a lot of dreams, so I come and help you to make your dreams come true, said the fairy with smile. Really? Melody became excited. Yes, my girl. Then, the fairy showed a seven-colored flower to Melody. This flower has seven different color petals, and they can make seven of your dreams come true. You can only use seven times, after that, the flower will fade. I see, but can this flower really make my dreams come true? Yes. Then the fairy disappeared. Melody held the flower in her hands and watched it over and over. To make sure the flower could work, she picked up one red petal and said, Seven-color flower, I want an ice cream castle. Just after she said this, a huge and colorful castle appeared outside her room. Melody was so excited and could not wait to run outside. This ice cream castle looked amazing! The roof was made of chocolate ice cream, and the wall was made of vanilla ice cream. Melody walked into the castle a...